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100+ Basic French Words To Learn For Beginners

French is one of the most popular languages to learn, and there are many reasons why. It is the language of lovefashion, and art, and it is spoken by millions of people all over the world. 

Whether you’re planning a trip to France, studying French in school, or just want to expand your vocabulary, here are 100 basic French words to learn.

Basic French Words To Make A Conversation In French?

French WordsEnglish Translation
MerciThank you
Au revoirGoodbye
S’il vous plaîtPlease
Excusez-moiExcuse me
Comment ça va ?How are you?
Ça va bienI’m doing well
Pas malNot bad
Très bienVery well
Merci beaucoupThank you very much
De rienYou’re welcome
À bientôtSee you soon
À demainSee you tomorrow
Bonne journéeHave a good day
Bonne soiréeHave a good evening
Bonne nuitGoodnight
Everyday Words English to French Translation

These basic French words will help you get by in many everyday situations.

How To Order Food In French?

If you’re a foodie, you’ll want to know some basic French words related to cuisine. French cuisine is famous all over the world, and knowing some basic food-related vocabulary will help you appreciate it even more. 

Food-related French Words

French WordsEnglish Translation
La nourritureFood
Le vinWine
Le fromageCheese
Le painBread
Le caféCoffee
Le théTea
Le chocolatChocolate
Le sucreSugar
Le selSalt
Food Related Words in French

When Travelling In France, Speak Like The French Do

If you’re travelling to France or another French-speaking country, you’ll want to know some basic journey-related words. Learn these French words related to geography and travel. You’ll be able to ask for directions and talk about your travel plans with ease.

Geography and Travel-related French Words

French WordsEnglish Translation
Le tempsWeather
La plageBeach
La montagneMountain
Le parcPark
La villeCity
La campagneCountryside
La rivièreRiver
La merSea
La forêtForest
Le lacLake
Travel Related Words in French

Learn About French Media, Literature & Entertainment

If you’re interested in French culture and the arts, you’ll want to know some basic French words related to literaturemedia, and entertainment.  France is known for its art and culture, and knowing some basic vocabulary will help you appreciate it even more.

 Literature, Media, and Entertainment-related French Words

French WordsEnglish Translation
Le livreBook
Le journalNewspaper
La télévisionTelevision
Le filmMovie
La musiqueMusic
La cultureCulture
Le spectacleShow
Le théâtreTheater
La danseDance
Names of Different Media in French

Learn French For Smooth Hospital Visits

While you’re at it, you should also know some health and wellness-related French terms in case you need to pay a visit to the hospital. You’ll be able to communicate your symptoms and ask for help with ease.

Health and Wellness-related French Words

French WordsEnglish Translation
La santéHealth
Le médecinDoctor
La pharmaciePharmacy
La maladieIllness
Le médicamentMedicine
Le corpsBody
La douleurPain
Healthcare Related Words in French

Find Accommodations In France Easily

If you’re staying in a French-speaking country for an extended period of time, learn French words related to housing and furniture. You’ll be able to talk about your accommodations and ask for help if something goes wrong.

Housing and Furniture-related French Words

French WordsEnglish Translation
La maisonHouse
La chambreBedroom
La cuisineKitchen
La salle de bainBathroom
Le salonLiving room
La porteDoor
La fenêtreWindow
Le litBed
Le canapéSofa
Names of Furniture in French

What Is A Car Called In French?

If you’re travelling around a French-speaking country, it’s important to know some basic French words related to transportation. You’ll be able to get around with ease and ask for help if you get lost.

Transportation-related French Words

French WordsEnglish Translation
La voitureCar
Le trainTrain
Le véloBike
Le busBus
Names of Different Modes of Transport in French

The Different Sports In French 

If you’re interested in leisure activities and sports, you’ll want to know some basic French words related to hobbies and outdoor activities. France is known for its outdoor recreation opportunities, and knowing some basic vocabulary will help you enjoy them even more.

Hobbies and Outdoor Activities-related French Words

French WordsEnglish Translation
Le temps libreFree time
Les vacancesVacation
Le voyageTrip
Le sportSport
La randonnéeHiking
La natationSwimming
Le skiSkiing
Le véloCycling
Le tennisTennis
Le footballFootball
Names of Different Hobbies in French

French: The Language Of Love

French is known as the language of love, and knowing some basic vocabulary will help you express your feelings more effectively.

Interpersonal Relationships and Emotions-related French Words

French WordsEnglish Translation
La familleFamily
Les amisFriends
Le mariageMarriage
La naissanceBirth
La mortDeath
La fêteParty
Le cadeauGift
Le sourireSmile
La vieLife
Names of Different Relationships in French

The Benefits Of Learning The French Language

There are numerous benefits to learning French, beyond just expanding your vocabulary. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of learning this beautiful language.

Career Advancement

French is widely spoken in business, diplomacy, and international organizations. Learning French can give you an edge in the job market, especially if you’re interested in fields such as fashion, luxury goods, or culinary arts.

Cultural Enrichment

French culture has made significant contributions to the world in the areas of art, literature, music, and cinema. Learning French can help you appreciate and understand the richness of French culture and its impact on the world.


France is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and knowing French can make your travels much more enjoyable and rewarding.  You’ll be able to communicate with locals, order food and drinks, and navigate your way around more easily.

Cognitive Benefits

Learning a new language has been shown to have cognitive benefits, including improved memory, problem-solving skills, and creativity. It can also delay the onset of age-related cognitive decline.

Personal Growth

Learning a new language can be a challenging and rewarding experience that can boost your confidence, improve your communication skills, and broaden your perspective on the world.

Final Takeaway

In conclusion, learning some basic French words is a great way to expand your vocabulary and communicate more effectively. Whether you’re travelling to France or just interested in the language and culture, these 100 basic French words will help you get started. 

Keep practicing, and you’ll be speaking French in no time!

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